Thursday, April 16, 2009

My upcycled doggie collar

My somewhat green weekend project! I have been looking at my doggie Izzy's old collar and have been pretty ashamed of it! I was cute back in the day (you know about 2 years ago!) but these days, it has been looking pretty shabby! The hearts have been coming off of it and it's a darker shade of pink, if you know what I mean! Here lies the problem though! As my husband points out we should just go to Walmart and buy another! However, I hate to throw it away only to make more junk and buy another wonderful product from my guess-China! Therefore, after I totally disassembled it, I had my little guy look through my stash of fabric and pick out one. Then, I covered the collar with the fabric and I think that it looks better than new! Have a looksy and the pics! It is an after and then a before! Kinda became backwards!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Green cleaning!!

I absolutely hated spending money on cleaning stuff, just to throw it away! It didn't really make any sense to me that cleaning something meant that garbage would have to be made! While I am sure that lots of people would yell at me to just use a broom, mop and dustpan, I really think that a Swiffer does a better job! It picks up those hairball looking things that a broom just sweeps around the floor! Therefore, I made my own swiffer products. While I am sure that the company does not enjoy people doing this (because they make a lot of money off of refills) I have been disposable-free for about a year~ and proud of it! I make a swiffer hand duster, one for the swiffer (regular style) duster and the wet jet! I have been using the same ones for about a year and they have plenty of life left in them! I hate to admit it but I actually enjoy cleaning with these new products!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Super fab. book marks

As you may already know, I teach 3rd grade to around 22 students! (it changes too often!) Out of all of those students only 6 read all of the minutes that they were supposed to during the school year! I wanted to show them how awesome that I think that they are, so I bought them some crafty stuff and I actually made them bookmarks! They seem to love them, at least I hope so! The best part is that I used up some of my scraps that were screaming out to be used again! Hooray! Of course I had to put their names on them so that I didn't have to hear about who stole what or where it could be!