Friday, July 17, 2009

PicnicBasketCrafts Laundry Bar :)

So I officially tried out Tiffany's from picnicbasketcrafts on Etsy's laundry bar today! I have to start by saying that when my 4 year old pulled the envelope out of the mail he yelled "we got a present Mommy!!" That is because it was in a envelope that was absolutely beautiful because it was zig-zagged stitched magazine pages! Then, when we opened our "present," we loved how it was wrapped in pretty butterfly paper! I was already totally impressed, not to mention the eye serum was also in there (love that too!!)

A little known fact about me is that I have been making my own laundry soap for quite a while! It cuts back on all of the packaging that goes into landfills and it will save you a great deal of money! I use a common recipe that I found and it makes nice powder detergent that lasts a long time!
The recipe is:
1 cup grated soap (usually I use Fels Naptha) but I used picnicbasketcrafts today
1/2 cup borax (super easy to find~even at Wal Mart)
1/2 cup washing soda (not to be confused with baking soda~found mine at Martin's)

You just put about 2 table spoons into the laundry for a clean load of laundry! I have read that you only need 1 table spoon for the higher efficiency washers

As for the review:

+ the soap grated very easily
+didn't have a super over powered scent (just smelled clean)
+I could actually read and understand all of the ingredients (I love that!)
+I used it on some of our stinky gym clothes and they smelled super clean
+didn't leave behind any type of soap residue (there was some dark colors in this load)
+++ it quickly dissolved unlike the store bought brand that takes forever to break down in the wash!!! (that's why it got 3 plus signs! That's my favorite part!!)

I really don't think that there is anything that I could tell her to improve upon! I loved it and would buy it from her store! Thanks for the laundry soap sample Tiffany! We loved it!

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